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Embracing the future: Tech predictions for 2024

Embracing the future: Tech predictions for 2024
December 28, 2023

The rapid evolution of technology is both transforming our daily lives and reshaping the landscape of business in fundamental ways. In this article, the CEO of Bonitasoft, Charles Souillard, offers some thoughts about the tech trends that will help shape 2024. While the growing role of artificial intelligence continues to dominate conversations - including those around Business Process Management technologies, where AI can offer deep insights into and actionable data from business processes - here are some other trends that have captured his attention for the upcoming year.

Green innovations: a look into sustainable technology

As sustainability becomes an increasingly critical concern across industries, the tech sector is gearing up to address specific challenges. The massive energy consumption of tech devices and the less-than-sustainable extraction of raw materials, such as lithium, present urgent issues. In the forthcoming year, expect concerted efforts from tech developers and engineers to usher in a new era of sustainable technology and processes, aligning nations with ambitious carbon net-zero goals.

As we navigate through 2024, anticipate the emergence of eco-friendly versions of everyday items, including electric cars, bikes, and energy-efficient public transport. Tech developers are also working towards sustainable cloud computing solutions, emphasizing processes and apps that prioritize environmental mindfulness.

Tackling complexity in data governance

The escalating volumes of data in 2024 mean significant scalability challenges for data governance. Beyond merely expanding capacity, there's a pressing need to enhance data quality management and compliance with ever-evolving regulations. The intricate web of data types, from structured to unstructured, further complicates the integration of new technologies like AI and machine learning.

AI's growing prominence, with 83% of businesses deeming it a top priority, introduces its own set of challenges, including concerns about data privacy and information quality. To meet these challenges head-on, enterprises will invest in advanced tools such as sophisticated data cataloging and machine learning algorithms, streamlining automated data management. The adoption of hybrid cloud-based and on-premise solutions will play a pivotal role in enhancing flexibility and scalability. Additionally, a cultural shift towards data literacy within organizations becomes imperative to manage increasing scale and complexity effectively.

Human-centric business data automation

In a landscape dominated by automation, the role of human professionals takes center stage in 2024. While automation undoubtedly brings speed and efficiency to data processing, human oversight becomes indispensable for interpreting complex data, providing context, and making strategic decisions.

Professionals today must be proficient in data analytics and adept at understanding and collaborating with automated systems. The future demands a balanced approach, where automation enhances human capabilities, and human expertise guides automated processes. The ethical considerations surrounding automated decision-making highlight the need for human oversight, ensuring responsible use aligned with organizational values.

Tech for all: revolutionizing tech accessibility

In a profound shift towards inclusivity, the tech landscape of 2024 promises to empower the masses with advanced gadgets and devices. This democratization of technology aims to bridge the digital divide, making sophisticated tech capabilities accessible to a broader audience.

In the coming year, we’ll see more computerized gadgets equipped with cutting-edge capabilities. From 3D imaging to immersive augmented and virtual reality experiences, these technological devices will expand beyond niche markets to become readily available to the general public. This increased accessibility will accelerate ongoing digital transformation, democratizing the benefits of advanced technology.

Final thoughts

As automation continues to reshape industries, the year ahead holds the promise of broader adoption of high-tech solutions and a heightened focus on sustainability, with a significant step towards making advanced technology accessible to more users. The horizon of 2024 holds the promise of breakthroughs in AR, VR, and quantum computing, shaping a future where technology becomes an empowering force for everyone.


Bonitasoft understands what a business needs to be successful. We’ve built our BPM-based business process automation platform to accelerate business process application delivery for efficiency, continuous improvement, and innovation. Bonita’s flexibility and platform extensibility equips professional developers and DevOps teams with powerful tools to develop highly customized, fully integrated business applications faster. 

Here are 3 ways to learn more:

  1. Build highly personalized, process-based applications today, for free, with our open-source Bonita Community Edition.
  2. See how you can reinvent your business processes with BPM.  Watch our on-demand Bonita Platform Demo.
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Bonitasoft knows its business. This article was not created with the use of artificial language technology.


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